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Girl Meets World: The Story of Maya & Shawn

Girl Meets World: The Story of Maya & Shawn

Synopsis: Instead of the series centering around the life of Riley Matthews (Corey and Topanga's daughter), this storyline focuses more specifically on her best friend, Maya Hart, and the bond she forms with Shawn Hunter.  

Rating: PG  

Fanedit Release Date: Jan. 30, 2023

Quality: 1280x720 @ 23.99 FPS (mp4)  

Filesize: 1.07 GB  

Runtime: 1 Hour, 56 Minutes  

Type of Edit: TV-to-Film

Editor's Notes:   
I grew up with Boy Meets World. Seen the series probably 20 times through. Its always been my favorite sitcom, even to this day. Around 2012 when it was announced that Michael Jacobs was creating a sequel to Boy Meets World, I was extremely excited! Sadly, after watching the entire GMW series in full, I was very let down to say the least.   
There were very few moments that shined like it's predecessor. To me, the only thing that saved this series was the relationship between Maya and Shawn. So after hours and hours of editing over the past month and trying to find the story I wanted to tell, this project is complete.   
Not only did I have to remove 90 percent of the series, but even with the episodes I used many of the lines, characters and nickelodeon type cheesiness had to be scrapped. That's why there is no cut list.   
Hope you enjoy!  

Episodes Used: 1x16, 1x18, 2x04, 2x08, 2x23, 3x06, 3x10.  

Download Link (Decode with Base64):  
