Synopsis: The members of LAPD SWAT go into pursuit of the militant group and criminal organization that goes by: The Emancipators - best known for recreating the SLA (Symbionese Liberration Army) kidnapping case.
Rating: PG-13 (Violence & Mild Language)
Fanedit Release:12/10/2023
Original Runtime: 128 Minutes
New Runtime: 89 Minutes
Video: 1280x720
File Size: 3.66 GB
Type of Edit: TV-to-Film
Editors Notes: I loved the triple episode arc of season 2 so I decided to remove all of the filler content, turning it into a standalone (made for TV) feature film. Enjoy!
Media Used: SWAT (Season 2 Arc)
Change List: Too much to list as far as specific scenes and dialogue that needed to be cut that did not pertain to the main plot, so I generalized the info below.
Episode 2x07...
Added my title to the SWAT theme intro. Removed all scenes regarding the plot of Hondo being pulled over by the racist cop. Also cut all scenes with Hondo's out of state training class. Removed all scenes that pertained to Street being kicked off of SWAT and having to re-audition for the team again. In my edit, Street never leaves. Removed the ending credits of this episode.
Episode 2x13...
Cut Previously On. Cut theme song. Removed all scenes involving Hondo's personal time with his mother, battling with his internal conflict. Removed all scenes concerning Deacon's financial issues and scenes with his wife. Removed ending credits of this episode.
Episode 2x23...
Removed Previously On and both subplot scene introductions (Daryl/Hondo and Street/Mom. Removed theme song. Removed Jessica and Hondos conversation about her promotion. Removed all subplot scenes with Street and his mother (falling back into her drug addiction). Removed all scenes with Hondo and Daryl (regarding his recovery after surgery). Removed scene with Hondo and Jessica discussing her upcoming undercover plans.
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